
Monday, October 29, 2018

We're Going to Disney World!!!!

Hi Everyone! This post comes to you from Austin, but in T minus 8 hours we're heading to Disney World! We've been planning this trip for a few months and we're so so sooo excited! As mentioned in the last post, it's been a hectic several months for us. A vacation with no commitments and no plans, besides having fun, and 6 days of spending time together as a family sounds pretty amazing. Stay tuned for some pictures from our trip! :)

We have some other big news. George started a new job! He's with a company called Gartner and is absolutely loving it so far. Their office is just south of where we'll be living near downtown Austin so the move that we're making is even more validated. He's still doing recruiting, but the type of recruiting is higher level and while he liked his old job, this opportunity was too good to pass up. The company itself seems amazing with great benefits and perks. Like massage Fridays?!! 

Last month, I went to Arizona for a work trip and the kids came along. We had a great time with everyone. I love watching the kids play together. They always pick up right where they left off and have so much fun together!

It look a couple of tries, but I got one with all of them looking. Always a miracle when that happens. 

And yes, Luke is wearing underwear ;)

See what I mean.... 

The kids are still loving their school and doing super well there. 


Our friend Derek, who George played music with in AZ, came out in mid October for Austin City Limits music festival. Paul McCartney was headlining and they're both really big fans. They had a great time and got the one sunny day in the several weeks (it rained here for basically a month straight). Apparently I didn't get any pictures of Derek, but we all enjoyed having him here. The three of us went out in downtown Austin one night which was a blast. The kids and I were the pick-up crew after the festival. They were up past their bedtime and were in such a silly mood when I took these pictures. 

We've been doing a lot of birthday celebrating around here lately. Madeline's 5th birthday was last Monday and George's 32nd birthday was on Saturday. 


The school had a fall festival on Friday evening. They had a bunch of cute game and activities for the kids. Luke is dressed as catboy from PJ Masks and Madeline is Anna from Frozen. 

Alrighty! Time to finish up the packing! :)