
Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Blogspot just changed some stuff around and it is causing my spacing to be all messed up!

Baseball Game

Wow, what a crazy past week it has been! I had a big tour in my area for work with several members of our leadership team. It has been go, go, go....but the tour was a success and now I can relax a bit :) We had a fun family outing to the Diamondbacks vs Braves on Thursday. My Dad's alma matter (RIT) had an alumni night so we all joined in. The best part?....we had tickets that included all you can eat stadium food. That's right...all you can eat hot dogs, peanuts, soda, popcorn. We took advantage of it. Hahaha

Emily hosted a Tupperware party on Saturday. I don't have any pictures of it, but Emily did a very nice job preparing hors d'oeuvres for it. We all made fun of her for hosting a Tupperware party...I think she is the only person under the age of 45 who has had the desire to have one. I think my Dad put it nicely when he said, "Emily, I think you were born 40 years too late!"

Some kind of big news...I found out last week that I was admitted to the MBA program at ASU! Starting this August, I will going to an evening MBA program. I am very excited about this step in my career. Class, homework, and projects here I come!!!

I posted this picture to my Facebook as well. I took Paisley to the car wash with my on Saturday. She waited so patiently on the bench with me.

Here are a couple of pictures from the baseball game.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Scottish Side

The Scottish side of me came out on Easter weekend. My mom made roast beef, mashed potatoes, etc for Easter dinner. What's the perfect addition to that meal?? Yorkshire Pudding, of course! My Grandma Clark is the designated Yorkshire Pudding maker in the family, but since she was in Rochester, I decided to give them a try. The ingredients are simple and very straight is the process and timing that determines your success with these! I followed the directions step-by-step and.......they turned out PERFECT! I made sure to send my Grandma a picture and I do believe she was proud :)


1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup milk, room temperature
3 eggs, room temperature
3/4 cup water
1/2 cup beef drippings


Mix flour and salt together until blended. Make a well in the flour, add the milk, and whisk until consistent. Beat the eggs into the batter. Add water and beat again until the mixture is light and frothy. Set aside for an hour (or, if it's the day before, cover in the fridge overnight).

If the batter has been refrigerated, allow it to come up to room temperature before using. When the roast beef is ready to come out of the oven, ready the mixture.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C).

Pour off drippings from roast beef and measure out desired amount (about 1/2 cup should do). Pour drippings into a 9x12 inch baking dish and place into the oven until the drippings sizzle. Pour the batter over the drippings and bake for 30 minutes (or until the sides have risen and are golden brown). Cut into eight portions and serve immediately.

**Note: I used muffin tins instead of a big dish and I used vegetable oil instead of the drippings. One more thing, do NOT open the oven while they are baking....if you do, they will be flat, not puffy

Saturday, April 7, 2012

102nd Post!

I meant to say 2 posts ago that it was my 100th post on my blog, but I instead, I'll mention that this is my 102nd post. I started this blog about a year ago. 100 posts in one year is not too shabby! However, I have been slacking lately. For whatever reason, I don't get around to posting as much now that I am back in Arizona. More distractions here, I guess.

My Grandma Clark left this week to go back to Rochester until next winter. We miss her! Before she left, my mom had everyone over for Sunday dinner last week.

On Tuesday night, I went to Hannah's band concert at the Mesa Arts Center. Oh my goodness, her band was SO GOOD! It was like going to hear a professional symphony....I was so impressed with the talent in their group. Hannah actually recently made All State on her French Horn. I believe she placed 5th or so out of all the high school French Horn players in the state. Their concert is in a month down in Tucson.

Not too many changes on the house front. We drive past it once or twice a week to check on the progress. We have been getting into a bad habit of going to the ice cream shop around the corner from our new neighborhood each time we check out the house. We found out this week that Monday nights are $1 scoop night so I think we'll be going to check on the house on Mondays from now on :)

George and I babysat Paisley last night. It was so much fun! She was on her best behavior, as usual. We took her over to George's parents where she was a big hit! Then, we brought her home for dinner, a bath, and bed. It cracks me up how excited she gets about soon as she sees her dinner, she gets all anxious and starts pointing at it.

March 31 is Marie and George's Grandma's Birthday so we all celebrated at his parents house. We had a great Polish dinner (sausage and perigees) that Rachel prepared. The highlight of the night was Marie's gift from her Mom and Dad....she got her first cell phone!! She is getting the hang of texting and calling her family and a couple of friends.