It's Monday night and I'm not in class....that could only mean one thing...I'm on break from school this week!! WooHoo! It's such a great feeling going to work on Monday morning and knowing that I don't have class at night :) So, tonight, I am hanging out on the couch with George and baking some cookies as we speak.
As you can see from the picture above, we got together yesterday for a fun day of playing some roller hockey. We used to play back when I was in junior high and high school in our old neighborhood, Grayhawk, so we had a reunion. It was more fun than I remembered, but I was pretty rusty :) George, Jeremiah, Terrisa, and Nick played for the first time ever. Also, Brittany, Shay, Glen, Jenna, and Lillian joined us after this picture was taken. My mom took some action shots (although we were trying to get her to play goalie)!
Hannah dominated with something like FIVE goals! My Dad held back for most of the game, but then showed us all up at the be fair, I think he has spent a little bit more time playing street hockey than the rest of us have :)
We have several great parks in our neighborhood and one of them happens to be at the end of our street. We played hockey on the basketball court at the park. It was a windy day so there were some kids flying kites too.
AND, after hockey, we played a quick game of "hot box"....a Warren classic!
Very fun day that we will have to do again.
Hockey was a blast. I should be a little better. I've played more hockey than the rest of you combined. By a long shot.
Well, you won the game for us...that's all that matters!! Thanks for the comment.