
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday Update

Hope everyone is having a good start to the week. The week is already going by really fast for me so that is always nice!

George and I hit up Porto's Bakery again this weekend (this time the location in Glendale, CA). We went there a month or so ago and have been wanting to go back ever since. It didn't disappoint...and I have decided that they have the best creme brulee it even beats the stuff I had in France! Andi's birthday was also this past weekend so we celebrated with her. George went with Sergio to a bakery in downtown LA to get Andi's favorite cake, Chocolate Banana, from a place called Cliffton's. It looked delicious, but unfortunately (or maybe fortunately!) I am not a fan of bananas.

My company's big integration is happening in a two weeks so it is crunch time! We have all been busy getting the final stuff done in preparation for the big "go-live" day. My time in my "mini-team" is also coming to an end in two weeks. I have been managing the four employees on my team for just about 5 months. I remember thinking 5 months ago that October seemed so far away, but now that October is just about here, it seems like April was just yesterday. Crazy how that always seems to happen. I have learned a lot as a new manager and I am really thankful to have had some great employees on my first team.

I just got back from the gym and oh my goodness...I took the cycle class and this really tiny Asian lady was the the instructor. She was really hardcore and was yelling things that I didn't understand. So who knows if I actually did the work out that she wanted us to do, but either way it was really tough and I am BEAT!

I got a kick out of George the other day. I came home from the gym to this....both guitar and his video game controller in hand. I guess he couldn't decide :)

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