
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Some Paisley Pictures

As of last week, we are all booked for our annual summer trip to Rochester! George and I will be flying in on Friday, July 13 and flying out on Saturday, July 21. This year, we will be doing something a little different...we are going up to Pineridge. Pineridge (see their we bite: is a place up in Canada that my family used to go to when we were younger. And actually, my dad went there with his family when he was a kid too. I have really great memories of spending time with our cousins up, jumping off the rocks, pushing each other off of the dock, roasting marshmallows, doing crafts, etc! Despite the mosquitos, and "rustic-ness" it was always a blast. It is going to be so weird to be back as an adult!! I can remember the place vividly so I am anxious to see how accurate my memory is. Anyway, we will be up there for 5 of the days.

I haven't been too great about posting pictures lately, so I figured that I would catch some of you "non-Facebookers" up on Paisley pictures....

This one is a video. She was cracking me up...every time the music came on, she would shrug her shoulders....kind of like she was trying to dance. I was trying to capture it on video....

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